11 secrets to optimum oral health.

Achieving good oral health should be the prime priority of any person as a systemic disease shows its first signs in the oral cavity. Maintaining good oral health care is a long term process that yields results gradually but has a massive influence on overall health.

Do you know how we can maintain a healthy oral cavity by taking small and simple steps every day? 

11 secrets to optimum oral health care, which you can follow to achieve your goal – 

1. Proper brushing technique: There is a proper technique for cleaning your teeth efficiently so that the total removal of plaque and debris from your mouth can occur. There are various techniques for brushing and you ought to take your time and brush slowly and gently in circular motions throughout the different surfaces of your teeth.

2.Brushing: Regular brushing teeth twice a day can help improve the condition of your mouth. However, many of us do not have the habit of brushing at night after meals which can lead to periodontal diseases or carries. Brushing at night removes all the plaque and debris from your mouth which gets accumulated during the day. 

3. Flossing: Flossing is another technique used for the removal of debris from your mouth. Moreover, they help in the stimulation of gums and help in lowering the inflammation. People generally do not floss and consider it a cumbersome process. However, flossing is an excellent method for preventing periodontal ailments and maintaining good hygiene. There are several ready to use flossers which can be easily used and can be bought from any medical store.

4. Cleaning your tongue: Your tongue should never be ignored. It should be cleaned regularly at the time of brushing by tongue cleaners as it harbors many microorganisms and can lead to bad breath as well. 

5. Using good toothpaste: Dentifrices or toothpaste which has good elements should be used. Toothpaste with fluoride is the best kind of toothpaste that helps in preventing tooth decay and many other dental ailments. 

6. Drinking water: Drinking water after every meal is very good for flushing out all the debris and sticky residues from your tooth surface or your oral cavity. Water is also very good for overall body health, which is why drinking a minimum amount of water daily is very important. 

7. Using mouthwash: Mouthwash like chlorhexidine is helpful for adults and children who can’t floss or clean their mouth regularly. Mouthwashes help in reducing the acidity of your mouth along with cleaning your gums, thus they can be very helpful for maintaining good oral health care. 

8. Eat well: Eating fruits and vegetables which are fresh and crunchy can help in maintaining your oral health at par. Having soft and mushy processed foods can lead to periodontal ailments and caries in the long term, so be choosy with your taste buds. 

9. Cut sugar in your diet: Having less sugary foods like chocolates, sweets, tea, and coffee can help in preventing caries. Sugar converts into acid in your mouth which then erodes your tooth structure and demineralize enamel and dentin causing cavities. Thus avoid eating such foods to keep your oral health good. 

10. Scaling: Regular cleaning and scaling your mouth prevents stains and calculus. Everybody should go for scaling twice a year to have good and shining teeth, this also helps to prevent halitosis and keeps your oral cavity-free from mineralized plaques. It also reduces the risk of cavities due to eating sugary food and maintain periodontal health. 

11. Consult your dentist regularly: Seeing your doctor regularly twice a year is good for maintaining good oral hygiene. Regular checkups and diagnosis are considered to be important for preventing periodontal diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Many systemic diseases also show their effects in your mouth so screening for such diseases and tests should be made for prevention. 

Book your appointment at Todays dental and let our dentist serve you with the new and advanced technologies. For more info about oral health kindly contact.

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