Inflammatory Diseases

Inflammation is a very common condition which occurs in your oral cavity due to a complex reaction towards the agents which are injurious, it can be because of foreign bodies , pathogens , microbial organisms or radiations. This basically occurs in order to protect the tissues or heal them from the effects of such etiologic agents. 

This starts with a short term or acute reaction phase which if left can persist and cause chronic reaction. So let’s discuss it in more detail. 

How does Inflammation Progress ? 

The oral process of inflammation constitutes numbers of events which occur when an etiologic agent attacks or enters the body causing a series of responses from the host in order to protect it. Macrophages are the primary guards which deal with these agents and help in engulfing these microbes along with other molecular events which happen simultaneously in order to stop all the infection.

Priorly it may remain localised at a particular area clinically and temporarily when the defence mechanism of the body is highly active, this is called acute inflammation. After some time if this persists for a long time then it can spread to other regions in the mouth involving other important oral structures , then it becomes chronic inflammation. 

There are various types of inflammation occurring in your mouth which we can discuss here : 

Gingivitis : this is the most common inflammation occurring in almost every individual in some way or other. It is said to be the inflammation of the gums which is caused due to poor oral hygiene or is drug induced as well. Bleeding and swelling  of gums , pale gingival colour , sensitivity on eating hot and cold food are the symptoms.

Stomatitis : It is the inflammation of the other parts of your mouth,the oral tissues or mucosa. Symptoms include painful sores and swelling in the oral mucosa . It can be caused by any chemicals or foods that are irritating to the oral structures or due to allergic reactions or any systemic disease. 

Glossitis: It is the inflammation of the tongue which is caused by various systemic diseases like Anemia, Syphilis . It is also caused due to allergies or nutritional deficiency and in immune compromised people . Symptoms are swelling in the tongue , redness , depapillation on the surface of the tongue and burning sensation. 

There are various other Inflammatory diseases of your mouth  which we have discussed in other articles , you can have a look at them for more information. These are the common ones which we come across daily in our clinics and know how to manage them properly. If you also have any symptoms like that then we suggest you to contact us and book your appointment as we provide the best treatment from our well experienced dentists . 

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