Dental imaging techniques :

So basically whoever is at this article needs to find some information about what does imaging mean and Where they can go for it ?! Today’s dental can provide you with all the stuffs you are looking for and even more than that! So let’s get into it so that we can help our readers in understanding what is Imaging in dentistry first ?! 

Well it is a very wide field where nowadays there are various innovations in imaging going on thus helping dentists in easy detection and diagnosis of the pathology in any tooth. 

So , how imaging in dentistry helps ? 

Imaging is nothing but radiation of X Rays which is used to capture the photographic montage of any tooth . Diagnosing caries or any periodontal diseases which is hard to find in clinical examination can be done easily by seeing in the X-ray image of the tooth. This saves time of both the dentist and the patient, so is very efficient and beneficial in this modern era. 

Ways of imaging in dentistry : 

There are several ways of imaging like mainly two intra oral or the one in which imaging is done from inside the mouth and extra oral in which imaging is done from outside the mouth . Both have it’s own use in our field like for patients who’s mouth opening is reduced can go for extraoral technique. 

So basically let’s know about the intraoral ways of taking a radiograph which are bitewing method , periapical, occlusal view in which it shows the tooth,it’s root and the periapical area very clearly so that the diagnosis can be done on that basis. Any apical inflammation , periodontal problems or fractures , cysts or unerupted tooth can be viewed daily by periapical view. Bone loss or interdental caries can be detected in bitewing x-rays which take equal amount of maxillary and mandibular teeth on xray image which bitten on a plastic holder. 

Extraoral techniques in imaging is another type of method which captures the X-ray image of the mouth from outside . Panoramic imaging or OPG which is done for the whole mouth in cases of patients whose mouth opening is restricted is an example of this . The OPG machine captures the image by radiating the mouth extraorally , which helps in diagnosing any TMJ problems or related fractures of the jaw or TMJ . Lateral cephalogram is another extraoral method which is helpful in imaging of skull used in Ortho cases for treatment planning . 

So guys, we are definitely sure that you would have garnered enough knowledge about imaging in dentistry from this article and still if you want more info please feel free to connect with us. We are there to help you anytime .

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