COVID-19 and its variants

So as we know the pandemic is not yet over and we are getting new covid variants every month so maintaining precaution is the key. We are going to go through the basic fundamentals of covid – 19 and discuss with you all the symptoms, spread, and other essential information about it. 

So firstly let’s talk about what coronavirus is and see how it has brought the world to a stop. 

So The Coronavirus is a large family of viruses found in

animals, which can be transmitted to humans and the outbreak of the Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China in December 2019. It was the time when everything was going fine and the world as being the same as it used to be. 

But later on, it spread from China to other parts of the world and slowly it became a pandemic and brought us to a halt. To contain the spread every country announced lockdowns and released guidelines and restrictions in place for preventing infections and covid deaths. 

Now this year many new covid variants have started to come up from different regions and countries due to mutations in the virus. 

This year many countries were hit badly with the second wave of covid UK, INDIA were few of India, April and May saw many casualties and it also brought other complications like black fungus or mucormycosis. 

A load of active cases on our health system has reduced and the onset of the second wave and mutations have exposed us to new variants of the Coronavirus like the delta variant or lambda variant. 

What are the symptoms of covid? 

Since we all now have a general idea of what covid infection can do in our body, High fever, dry cough in which there is no mucus, difficulty in breathing where your oxygen level drops and chest feels tight, body pain, weakness, diarrhea, nausea, and headaches are the common things which you would have heard already. 

There’s still a lot to covid, the new variants can have different symptoms and we need to be vigilant for that because it has still not ended. 

The delta variant also has some similar symptoms like headache, sore throat, fever, and runny nose. It is similar to common flu along with having the particular symptom of the old variant. The lambda or delta plus variants also show similar symptoms but we can’t be sure and have to wait to see what other symptoms can surface as these are still new. 

Thus we need to be vigilant enough to get a hold of the covid guidelines and restrictions and try to follow them holistically to save ourselves and our families from this pandemic. We are responsible for ourselves and our society and should always be aware of people who are violating these rules so that the spread can be contained and we can all be free from this forever. 

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