Sports-related dental injuries account for one third of all dental injuries, as reported by the American Dental Association (ADA). These injuries range from chipped and broken teeth to fractured jaws and concussions. Fortunately, the ADA estimates that using a sports mouthguard can prevent over two hundred thousand oral injuries each year. At Dentist in Edgewater, North Carolina, we understand the importance of protecting your smile while engaging in sports activities. That’s why we offer custom sports mouthguards tailored to your needs.

Understanding Sports Mouthguards

Sports mouthguards, also known as athletic mouthguards, mouth protectors, or sports guards, are dental devices designed to safeguard your teeth, mouth, cheeks, tongue, and jaw from potential injuries. Typically made from soft plastic or laminate materials, these mouthguards are usually worn over the upper teeth, although they can also be used for the bottom teeth. By providing a protective barrier, they help prevent broken teeth, cut lips, and other damage resulting from face or head impacts.

Sports Mouthguards

Choosing the Right Sports Mouthguard

When it comes to selecting a sports mouthguard, there are three main types to consider:

  1. Stock mouthguards: These one-size-fits-all options are readily available in most athletic supply stores. While they are inexpensive, they often lack the necessary comfort and protection. Their bulky design may impede breathing and talking, making them less than ideal for prolonged use.
  2. Boil-and-bite mouthguards: Slightly more customizable than stock mouthguards, these pre-formed options can be softened by boiling and then molded to fit your teeth. Although they offer a better fit compared to stock mouthguards, they can still be uncomfortable and fail to provide adequate tooth protection.
  3. Custom mouthguards: At Dentist in Edgewater, North Carolina, we recommend custom mouthguards as the superior option. These mouthguards are individually designed to fit your mouth perfectly, offering optimal comfort and protection. To obtain a custom mouthguard, you’ll need to visit our dental clinic. Our dentist will take an impression of your upper teeth and send it to a dental laboratory, where your mouthguard will be skillfully crafted. Before you take it home, your dentist will ensure its proper fit and make any necessary adjustments.

The Best Choice for Long-Lasting Protection

While properly cared for, custom sports mouthguards can last for a significant period, they will eventually wear out due to regular use. It’s crucial to have them replaced once they show signs of wear, cracks, or damage. Although custom sports mouthguards may seem more expensive compared to stock or boil-and-bite mouthguards, they provide superior protection and longevity. By preventing dental injuries, they can save you the time, money, and discomfort associated with restorative dental work.

Protect your smile and enjoy your favorite sports activities without worrying about dental injuries. Contact Dentist in Edgewater, North Carolina today to schedule a consultation for a custom sports mouthguard that fits you perfectly. Your smile deserves the best care, both on and off the field.

For more information about sports mouthguards, Contact Todays Dental Now.

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