Perio Protect

Perio Protect

Discover how Perio Protect, a revolutionary treatment, can help combat gum disease and promote optimal oral health. Learn about the benefits of this minimally invasive method that delivers medication deep below the gums, ensuring a comprehensive and lasting solution.

The Challenge of Gum Disease Subheading

The Limitations of Traditional Oral Hygiene Habits Maintaining good oral health through preventive oral hygiene habits is essential. However, gum disease can still occur despite rigorous brushing, flossing, and rinsing routines. Explore why additional measures may be necessary to effectively eliminate gum disease.

Thorough Cleaning for Extensive Gum Disease

 In cases where gum disease is more extensive, routine dental cleanings may not be sufficient. Discover how tooth scaling and root planing, performed by your dentist, can provide a more thorough cleaning to address the root causes of periodontitis.

Addressing Periodontitis Aggressively 

Periodontitis requires prompt and aggressive treatment to prevent further complications. Learn how Perio Protect can play a crucial role in mitigating damages caused by gum disease and preventing future issues.

Introducing Perio Protect Subheading

Delivering Medication Deep Below the Gums Discover the innovative approach of Perio Protect in effectively fighting harmful oral bacteria that cause periodontitis. Learn how the Perio Tray, similar to a mouthguard, delivers medication beneath the gums, targeting the root of the problem.

Minimally Invasive Treatment without Surgery 

Explore how the Perio Tray allows patients to combat periodontitis without resorting to invasive surgical procedures. Understand the benefits of this non-surgical approach in fighting gum disease.

The Expert Behind Perio Protect 

Learn about Dr. Duane Keller, the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Perio Protect. Discover his personal commitment to finding effective treatments for periodontitis and how his dedication led to the development of the Perio Tray.

The Perio Tray: Customized for Optimal Results

Understand the importance of custom-made internal seals on the Perio Tray. Learn how your dentist takes impressions of your mouth to ensure a comfortable and secure fit, allowing the tray to deliver medication precisely where it’s needed.

Administering Medication for Effective Results

Explore the prescription-based medication used in conjunction with the Perio Tray. Discover how the tray’s sealing mechanism directs the medication into the periodontal pockets, eradicating bacterial infections and promoting gum healing and reattachment.

Maintaining Long-Term Treatment 

Learn about the ongoing nature of Perio Protect treatment. Although periodontitis cannot be fully cured, consistent use of the Perio Tray offers numerous benefits, including healthier teeth and gums, fresher breath, and a brighter smile.

For more information about Perio Protect and whether it is right for you, Contact Todays Dental Now.

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